How to use

To install just run in command line: C:\> @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && set PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\pbox


To install a package: pbox install far

For most packages you can specify homedir: pbox install jdk8 --homedir=C:\Programs\JDK8

If a package has 32 and 64 bit editions PBOX chooses edition automatically, but you can force the exact architecture: pbox install go --arch=32

By default PBOX installs the latest version, but you can specify exact version: pbox install dmd --version=2.066.1


To uninstall a package: pbox uninstall far

Other usages

Ask PBOX to "forget" an installed package (the package will not be uninstalled). pbox forget far
Prints information about the latest version of a package. pbox info far
Prints information about the given version of a package. pbox info far --version=3.0.4242
Finds packages in the repository by query. Takes in account only latest package versions. pbox find <query> or pbox search <query>
Finds among all versions of all packages. pbox find <query> --all or pbox search <query> --all
Prints list of all packages (latest versions). pbox list
Prints list of all packages (all versions). pbox list --all
Prints list of all installed packages. pbox list-installed

PBOX © MikeMirzayanov 2014